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Affordability checks petition reaches 100,000 signatures

3 minute read

Despite a slow start, the petition against intrusive affordability checks in the betting industry has reached over 100,000 signatures - the amount required for Parliament to consider a debate on the subject.

Trainer : Nicky Henderson. Picture: Nigel French - PA

Started under the name of Nevin Truesdale, chief executive of the Jockey Club, the petition had been slowly accruing tens of thousands of signatures, but with the help of an open letter via Racing TV customers by trainer Nicky Henderson, it reached the vital 100,000.

"The racing industry and its many supporters have demonstrated the level of concern about the proposed affordability checks by helping this petition reach 100,000 signatures," Truesdale said.

"The government has been left in no doubt about the strength of opposition to these intrusive and potentially discriminatory checks with a knock-on effect to racing's financial ecosystem and the 88,000 jobs which depend upon it. It is therefore crucial that we now secure a debate in parliament so that the vitally important issue of problem gambling and how best to address it in the digital age can be discussed properly.

"We want to see targeted measures implemented so that those at risk of gambling harm get the support they need and that measures are put in place which actually address the core issue. As such I would urge parliament to take steps to ensure such a debate takes place as swiftly as possible.

"British racing has consistently demonstrated that it is stronger and more effective when it works together and the way we have collaborated on this issue, which threatens the future of the industry in so many ways, is another fantastic example of that."